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Maryland Law Firm Marketing

Website Design & SEO Services For Maryland Law Firms

As a law firm, you may have some repeat clients, but you are also likely regularly looking for new clients. This is why having an online website is so important. According to a study conducted by American Express, over 60 percent of potential clients search for a business online before visiting or engaging with one. If you do not have a website, potential clients cannot find you and they will give their business to your competitors. Below are just a few of the benefits your firm will reap when you have an outstanding law firm website, contact our Maryland law firm marketing experts today for a free website audit.

Maryland Law Firm Web Design

Sometimes, lawyers wonder why their competitors are outperforming them and securing more clients on a regular basis. If you have been in this situation and are wondering why it is happening, the answer may lie within your website. Too many lawyers think it is enough to simply launch a basic website without giving much thought to what it contains or how well it is being found by the search engines. Others do not have a website at all. If you are not getting the results you want from your website, our Maryland law firm web design experts are here to help.

Visibility is Key

More than 90 percent of Internet experiences start with a search engine and to be visible, your Baltimore law firm web design must incorporate the best search engine optimization (SEO) practices. SEO is a main component of web design and if you do not use these practices, your website simply will not be found by the search engines, or by potential clients. Our law firm web design experts know the best SEO practices to use that will increase your website’s visibility.

Mobility is Important

In 2015, Google responded to the massive increase in the use of mobile devices and placed an emphasis on responsive websites. A responsive website is one that identifies whether a website visitor is using a desktop or mobile device and automatically responds to that device. When your website is mobile-friendly, it will display appropriately on devices, regardless of the type a specific visitor is using to access your site. Mobile-friendly websites rank higher in the search engine pages, so it is critical that it is part of your Columbia law firm web design.

Security is Essential

It is not uncommon for hackers to get into websites today and if yours is not secure, they could obtain confidential data, including the names and contact information of potential clients. Some lawyers even place payment options on their site and when these are hacked, it is extremely consequential to anyone that has entered their financial information onto the website. When implementing your Germantown law firm web design, it is critical to make it secure not only to keep the information of clients and potential clients safe, but also to rank higher in the search engines.

User Experience is Paramount

It used to be that website designers had two different focuses. The first was to optimize the website for Google and the search engines, and the second was to make the website easy for users to navigate. In 2021, these two focuses came together, as Google included the user experience in part of their algorithms. Now, if your website does not load quickly, if it is not easy to navigate with search functions, and if it is not easy for users to contact you using your website, your Maryland law firm web design will not work and will not deliver the results you want.

Maryland Law Firm SEO

Law firms are a business and just like any other, they are constantly trying to grow their company. Today, there are many ways to do that but organic search is one of the best methods, and one that is often overlooked. However, studies show that there is a very good reason for practices to start paying more attention to Maryland law firm SEO. While word-of-mouth advertising is still the main way lawyers get new clients, using appropriate SEO tactics on their website is not far behind. Soon, Maryland law firm SEO may even overtake referrals and become the main way law firms advertise and gain more clients.


So much of Columbia law firm SEO relies on quality content and when you are creating yours, there is a lot to consider. First, your content must answer the question users have when they reach your website. Not all content needs to be long and complicated. Sometimes, even just making it clear that you are a divorce lawyer or criminal lawyer, and that you are in fact located in Maryland is enough. Additional pages, such as blog posts, can delve deeper into specific topics, but your website should at least tell visitors the basics of your law firm and expertise.


Perhaps the foundation of all Germantown law firm SEO are the keywords used. Keywords are part of content and will do much of the heavy lifting when it comes to answering users’ questions. For example, if you are a criminal defense lawyer in Maryland, “criminal defense lawyer” and “Maryland” are two major keywords and phrases you will use.

While it is important to include keywords, it is just as important to know how to use them. Your title tag, description tag, and  the URL should all include your most important keywords. Also, while you want to use keywords within the content, you also do not want to overdo it to the point that the search engines consider it spam.

Technical SEO

Content and other SEO tactics are important, but technical SEO can make or break your Maryland website. Technical SEO refers to how “search engine friendly” your website is. Google’s algorithms largely determine how high any website will rank in Google, and the other search engines have similar algorithms. This aspect of SEO is also the hardest to get right, and it takes an intricate knowledge of the technical aspects of SEO and the backend of websites. Technical SEO includes strategies such as mobile-friendliness, page loading time, and more.

The Importance of SEO

Having a website is important, but it is not enough if it does not incorporate important search engine optimization (SEO) practices. SEO is an umbrella term that covers many different strategies such as keywords, inbound and outbound links, title tags, meta descriptions, and more. When these strategies are employed on a website, it shows up higher in the search engine result pages (SERPs).

Without adequate SEO practices, your website will become buried on the third or fourth page in the search engine results and clients looking for you will never venture that far to find you. Most people do not look past the first page, and some do not even make it to the bottom of the page. With proper SEO tactics, this will not happen so you can rest assured that your website will always appear at the top of the page, and your firm will stay top of mind.

Find Clients Quickly and Easily

Law firms are always looking to open their practice up to a larger customer pool and a website is the best way to do it. Your website puts your law firm in front of thousands, and potentially millions, of prospects. Anyone that needs legal advice or professional representation can easily learn more about your firm as long as they have an Internet connection. This is one reason Baltimore law firm websites are so much more effective than print or television ads, which are not only much more costly, but that also reach a much smaller audience.

A Better Look

Your firm can look more professional to potential clients just by having a website. The consensus among the general public is that all businesses should have a website, including law firms. Without one, potential leads cannot find you, learn more about you, and make an informed decision about whether they want to trust you with their case. Once you have a website, you can also use it to showcase your expertise, and the past results you have achieved for your clients. Lastly, your Columbia law firm website can also provide users with informative articles that can tell them more about a specific legal issue, and how it may apply to their case.

Our Maryland Law Firm Marketing Experts Can Deliver the Site You Need

When you need a website that will reach out to potential clients and tell them more about your practice, our Maryland law firm marketing experts are here for you. We know how to create professional and responsive sites that will rank high in the search engines and draw clients into your firm. Call us today at 866-598-6235 or fill out our online form to learn more about the site we can create for you.

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