2019 MileMark Media Legal Scholarship Winner!

We are pleased to announce Laura Bolton as our 2019 MileMark Media Legal Scholarship winner!
Laura shared that she is thrilled about the idea of continuing her education by attending law school at the Nebraska College of Law this fall. We found intense dedication and enthusiasm throughout her unique story in her essay. Check out her impressive words:
I stood in front of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Student Union with nothing but a bouquet of balloons, a folding table, and a large sign that read, “Lend me a Hand.” Amidst the majority of students who continued on their morning jaunt to class, there were a few people just curious enough to stop and ask what on Earth I was doing. Upon approaching the table, most quickly became aware of the apparent pun that adorned my sign. Immediately after seeing that I was missing my left arm, a mixture of sympathetic looks and questions ensued. Setting up this table was my lighthearted attempt at exposing the difficulties that can be faced by individuals who were either born with or acquired physical disabilities. On this particular day, I requested that participants perform everyday tasks at my table using only one arm. It did not take long to expose members of the student body to just a few of the hidden difficulties that are frequently experienced by those of us living with a physical difference. Seemingly simple activities such as tying shoes or zipping up a jacket are tasks that, for me, necessitate lifelong adaptations. One of my primary goals of this activity was to shed light onto the difficulties faced by people with physical differences, but more so to help people realize that I was just as capable as any of them as I performed the tasks simultaneously.
Before college, I would have never dreamed of organizing such a thought-provoking enterprise. I distinctly recall going out of my way to ensure that I faded into the background throughout high school. It was not until I forged through the transformative years of college that I decided to live my life without fear of judgment from others. Part of this transformation occurred after I began volunteering for the non-profit organization SheLift, which aims to encourage young women with physical differences to step outside of their comfort zones and fully accept themselves for who they are. I cannot help but wonder where I would stand today had I not become involved in SheLift. There is no telling what career path I would have settled for– most likely one where I was sheltered away from the stares and judgment of others rather than a field that I have always felt passionate about; the law. I hope that I can be a spark for men and women in the physically different community who strive to set their self-limiting beliefs aside. As I sit here today, I want nothing more than to apply my unique background and intellect to the perplexing field of law and to help those in need to overcome adversity in their own lives. I strive for people to realize just how much representation in every environment matters. I hope to assist in projecting a more diverse body amongst the pool of attorneys as I long to defy what the average person expects when they imagine a lawyer standing in front of them.
Best of luck, Laura. We know you will rock law school!